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Shelly's Wedding

Shelly is getting married outside during this warm Spring day. I had been invited to attend, which I promptly sent back the invitation as party of one.
I was not bring along a date; my date would already be attending the wedding. I pulled into a gravel parking lot and got out of my car. I opted to keep
my sports coat in the car and just wear my shirt and tie. Several of the other guests were walking towards the event. I followed, carrying the bag that
held my wedding present to her and her soon-to-be husband. Tables were placed off of the side of the reception and across from the reception area
was several rows of chairs, all lined up to make an aisle, leading straight to the porch of an historic farmouse.
I immediately saw a gathering of my friends, whom I stopped and greeted. Formal occasions were always enjoyable to see others dressed up. I broke away to set my present down along with the others on a table. Heidi's mother, Sinday was standing beside the table.

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